
Whether my eyes are open or closed, I'm always dreaming. I have many dreams.

One hot December day I married the man of my dreams. I love December and I love my husband, he has long hair (something I always hoped for). We have two Jack Russels named Texas and Scout. I love them too. How is it that some people don't love dogs? Beats me.

I spend my mornings teaching high school students and my afternoons are spent also mostly in and around the school. They fill my life with equal amounts of sadness and joy, but mostly love.

I studied language and culture at the University of Stellenbosch and loved every minute of it and every word that I heard my lecturers say made my dreams grow even bigger.

Enough serious stuff! Photography, writing and design are a few of my favourite things. I love to be with people and get to know people and study people and help people. I like to make new friends, so please contact me!


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